Touching in the park….

Remember it’s social…

Some times we like to get out and run about a bit, and this time, it was the open O2 touch event at the Paddy Freeman park in Newcastle. A series of just turn up and play events held by the RFU with some dubious touch and dubious bbq thrown in for free.

Some of the team made it last week, and said it was a bit, err, well, “difficult” as the usual free for all turned up and happened and the rugby boys turned up and ignored the others players and any rules. This week a few more of us turned up and we maintained some kind of order and discipline so that the game resembled touch!

Some highlights included “Ben its social” and “Ben lets make friends” along with “Alex, try communicating better without words”. That didn’t quite work.

Any way its on for a few more weeks if anyone wants to run about more.


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