First Round of the NTS


On Sunday 9th June the team made the journey down to Burton RFC for round 1 of the National Touch Series where the team led by Lesley were competing in Division 4.

It has been a few years since Blackadders have attended one of these events so they were venturing into the unknown as unfamiliar with any of the teams they were up against. Every single player worked hard for each other for some impeccable team performances, racking up an impressive 24 tries across the day from a mix of wings, links and mids. We finished top of pool G putting us into the cup ¼ final against a very young and fit Manchester uni! Which ended our cup dreams, however a very respectable finish of 7th place out of 16 teams.

Big thanks to our special guest players, Adam, Becky, Hester, Sean and Tracey for being great sports across the whole day.

Players Player – Dan

Captains Player – Tracey


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