North Tyneside Three Peaks – Completed

On Saturday 12th February a group of us met up to complete a 13.1 mile training walk, in preparation for our big charity walk (100km over 3 days in June). We decided we would tick off the North Tyneside Three Peaks, taking into account the three hills in the area; the sun dial at West Allotment Country Park, the Rising Sun Country Park and Weetslade Country Park. 

We set off fast! Averaging a pace of 16.5 minute miles at one point!! We over achieved with our distance and actually covered 14.10mile in total, with 4 hours 10 minutes moving pace. We are not blaming the navigator… but he was at the back of the group, with the map 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️ and we only did one wrong turn too🤔.

All in all, it was a great day out and conditions were kind enough, although it was a bit blustery at times. The team’s moral was high throughout the day, even during the period when we were almost blown across an open field. 

Thank you to those of you who joined us for part of the route and adding to the good company. 

Everyone finished the walk unscathed and were still smiling at the end. It must have gone well as we are already making plans for the next walk.

Well done guys, hope you all enjoyed putting your feet up and watching the 6 Nation fixtures and of course the cheeky takeaway.

Blackadders complete the North Tyneside 3 Peaks!!


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