National Lock Down…

So that’s it for the moment….

Hey all,

We’ve had a few great sessions of late, and we’ve even managed to have a wait list for some session. As such, it’s disappointing to have a call a halt to our regular session, whilst we as a nation work through the National Lockdown part 2.

We ask you all to take care of your self and loved ones and follow the rules of law, as we are sure you are all doing. Whilst missing a few sessions is a pain, we are doing this for a the greater good.

We’ll let you all know when we are back up and running – keep an eye out here, on facebook, twitter, instragram and even an email from Ben – somepeople keep finding them in spam, so please mark them as not spam to make sure you get them… or add him as a contact to help with delivery… its Ben@ blackadderstouch .com (don’t forget to remove those spaces!)

See you all soon.




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